Saturday, 5 February 2011

Rome the End

Worst day so far, home time!! Had a really good night in the irish bar last night, it was rammed for the rugby. This is my last entry and I don't want it to be, don't get me wrong i miss my boys but I would do anything for a few more days. I now have to try and sum up Rome in such a manner that you all book trips to come here immediately. Rome is mental, awesome, magnificent, stupendous, breath taking, wowiful......rubbish, don't go, see if I care. For anybody reading that has enjoyed my light hearted wittering but can not tolerate self obsessing soul searching shite please skip the next few paragraphs and go straight to the acknowledgements (of which there are none as all the people and places in my blog are fictitious and any similarities to real people/places are purely coincidental).

For those reading that are unfortunate enough to see me regularly you will know why I came to rome and those who don't, mind your own business :-). I definitely came to Rome looking for something, I'm not even sure what it was but I have most definitely found it, whatever IT is. Anybody that has been will know what I am talking about and why, at times, i have found it so difficult to express the influence Rome has on you. I have been fortunate enough to visit some pretty awesome places whilst in the Army but up until now have never appreciated any of them. It is so easy to take life for granted and although it has taken me a lot longer than it should have to learn this lesson, I can and will change.

I considered trying to list my top 3 sites in Rome but this would just result in a list of about 10 things and subsequently be a rubbish top 3 and more like a top 10!! Instead I will tell you 3 things i WILL be returning to Rome to see again. First up, no surprise, the Fontana de Trevi, second the Collesium and last but not least the Sistine Chapel. If the things I have already said about these or any other sites in Rome are not enough to convince you to visit, you categorically have no soul or appetite for life, it's true!!

I am sure that the majority of my avid audience probably thought 'what a geek' when i announced that i was going to blog my trip. I hope I have proved some of you wrong and that you may follow suit on your own travels. I was not sure about coming away by myself as most of my friends don't enjoy my company so why the hell would I enjoy it. But I have loved it, if any of you have always wanted to go somewhere just go, and if your partner doesn't want to go, ditch seriously go by yourself and write a blog about it so everyone can share your experiences.

I feel like I should share the fame and glory that has come from my blog by mentioning a few people I know are reading. First up Miss Hughes, good on you being able to use the internet at your age. Next Rach who is soon going to find herself in court for an infringement of copyright after posting a phrase from my blog on her facebook, how rude!!! I obviously have to mention my first follower, Mac but I'm not going to say anything about him because I normally revert to scotish jokes and he is a proper angry scots man :-) And also my second follower, Jade, which means I have achieved global fame. And lastly the one and only Mrs L, who isn't actually called Mrs L if you were wondering, thank you!!! To everyone else thanks for reading, i hope you have enjoyed it and really hope you visit Rome, I am available as a private tour guide for the princely sum of my travel costs. Oh one last thing I have just remembered, whilst I was talking to devon yesterday I told him about people throwing a coin over their shoulders into the trevi fountain to secure their return to Rome (so the legend has it) and he told me not to because he didn't want me to go to rome again, love you Devon ( and Kyle, obviously).

Next up is Paris, I intend to visit Paris in April if I can get leave. I have been several times but like everywhere else didnt appreciate it. When I told devon I was going to Paris he said "What so you are going to Disneyland Paris again", kids. I shall be travelling alone again and will blog the whole epic journey.

I will update my blog with pictures when I arrive in sunny Cyprus and although it has been suggested that I blog about Cyprus, my life really isn't that interesting, so that wont be happening.

GO TO ROME NOW, don't wait, !!!!

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